Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Beauty Did You Knows!

Hey y'all here's a few Beauty did you knows!

1.  Did you know it's better for your hair if you only shampoo the hair around your scalp and condition just the length.  I know that sounds super gross, but the length isn't what's dirty and the shampoo will rinse down the length anyways! The conditioner is just to strengthen the dead part of your hair, which is the length!
My hair stylist told me this! :)

2. A lot of blondes don't know this so, if you're a blonde you need to be using a purple shampoo, it gets rid of the orange tones and makes it actually blonde.

3. Use a little baby powder to make your lashes look fuller and longer.. Here's what you do: between each coat of mascara, dip a q-tip in a little baby powder, run it across your lashes, focusing mostly on the tips. the second coat of mascara will attach to the powder.

4. Clean your makeup brushes with baby shampoo.

5. You can heal acne scars with lemon juice, yogurt, honey and egg whites.
4 teaspoons of lemon juice
3 teaspoons of plain yogurt
4. tablespoons of honey
1 egg white
mix ingredients together and let sit on your scars for 15 minutes, after the time is up just rinse it off!


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