The skin care products I've used are:
Clean and Clear Daily Pore Cleanser
St. Ives Apricot Scrub
Neutrogena Skin iD

I'm not exactly sure how well the Clean and Clear worked because it's been so long ago that I used it, I know it didn't work for my sister (which is why we switched over to ProActiv).
Now, ProActiv was seriously like my life saver, I loved it, it worked AMAZING only problem was it was like $60. So after that, I just went to using Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo, on my face which may seem weird but it's a very minty shampoo so it woke you up and surprisingly it did clear up my acne pretty well. Recently, one of my friends introduced me to St. Ives apricot scrub, it worked really well for the first few months, but then I noticed it had stopped working, and I didn't like the texture of it, really sandy and if you put it anywhere near your mouth it got in there... which was really disgusting to me, it also didn't make my skin feel very clean either. Now, I'm currently using Skin iD and as long as I remember to use it and MOISTURIZE my face it works like a charm! A couple weeks ago I wouldn't suggest to a friend, now I definitely would! Some people say "It makes my skin feel tight" I agree it does, but if you put moisturizer on your face you wont have that problem.
So if you're looking for a good product to use, I definitely suggest either ProActiv or Skin iD!
If you're wondering Skin iD is $39.90 (and btw when the tv says it's only $19.99 or whatever it says, IT'S NOT TRUE!!) Proactiv prices depend, I guess they lowered their prices to $30 at the most, but that could be just a special. Either way if it's ProActiv you're looking into I'd jump on it now!! AND Skin iD usually has like "$5" off that they email you if you sign up, so If you've tried ProActiv and want to look into skin iD it's free to sign up and find out your numbers, when it gives you your personalized acne solution, that doesn't mean you have to buy it.. You can wait as long as you want.
I really hope this helps you guys!
Lots of Love,
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