#1. Did you know, if you don't get the roots of your hair completely dry they could stay "damp" or "wet" for at least a week! And you wouldn't even know! This tip is courtesy of my hair stylist! This goes for the thicker hair!
#2. Did you know, putting tooth paste on an on coming zit it helps stop it. I'm going to post a blog about this, no worries, it should be up within the hour! :)
#3. Did you know, dying your hair out of a box is not good for your hair! I use to do it, when I had my blonde hair, I went dark though! YAYY! I totally suggest going to a salon, I went to ULTA for mine! (and no they are not paying me to tell you this!) I'll do a before and after of my hair and explain what they did! :)
#4. Did you know, biting your nails can give you worms...yes, worms...They are called pinworms, they are passed from person to person by eating the eggs transmitted from fingernails, clothing or bedding, contaminated food, and other objects! EW!!! and watch out for human and animal roundworms too! You can get them the same way! I just got extremely grossed out!
#5. Did you know, your hair dye can kill you?! It has an ingredient called PPD! I'm going to post my "speech" on it, if I can find it otherwise I will inform you more on this topic!
That's all for the Did you knows of tonight!
Loads of love!
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