I don't about anyone else, but for me in elementary I use to wear overalls...
Shorts, dresses, full length pants, you name it, I wore it.
Well, the other day before I went to see Harry Potter, my best friends and I were in Forever 21, and we were kind of just playing dress up and what not, but we found overalls! and I just had to try them on!
Overalls were what my childhood consisted of...and of course 90's cartoons! I'm debating on going back and buying these I absolutely love them, they're super comfy and the ones I tried were definitely what you wear while you're working and of course while you're playing on the playground ♥
Hers are a little too dressy for what we use to wear, but it was the only other style they had.
Price: $22.80
P.S. If you guys want to do the "get to know me" post, go ahead. I'd love to read your post, just post them in the comments if you do one!
too cute, i wanna buy them lol